After a year, thousands of lines of codes, hundreds of coffees, days of not sleeping… It’s finally time I write about Teezonic. How it all started and how it is today.
I met Usama at BarCamp 15 held at Amrita Institute in Kollam back in 2014. I was a random developer kid with a shaved head roaming from event to event with hollow dreams. trying hard to setup a product startup called Quill Strokes. After a while, like any other techies, I and Usama became ‘bros’.
On a cold November day that year, I got a call from him. “How would you like to start an IT service startup together?”. I was like, “okay… Let me think about it.” I was in a dilemma. I’m working on a team already. Two start-ups didn’t sound like a good thing back then. But, after a couple of days, I decided to start the company. Later I was introduced to Bajpan who was another hacker kid like me. He became our third partner later.
One day, I and Usama were at Teezol Technologies, which was Usama’s company, which served as a temporary hub for Teezonic. We were talking random things, not knowing where or how to start.
Usama: “It’s been a while after BarCamp.”
Me: “Hmm…. There should be a BarCamp soon.”
Usama: “Let’s organize one?”
We both stared at each other for some seconds, frozen in time, like the moment after having a great idea. We telepathically agreed.
Me: “Let’s call Kenney chettan”
Fast forward a month, we three organized BarCamp Winter 2014. 200+ people attended. I was convinced that our team would work out. Later after six months, we organized another one, Barcamp Kerala Monsoon 2015 with 500 registrations and 300 people attending, the biggest BCK held until now.
We launched Teezonic Digital Makers in January 2015. We held together until June with small projects and free codes and contributing to open source projects. The struggle to actually start up.
After a year of starting up, we have a total of 7 techies building together a dream. We have 30+ clients, so far worked on 40+ projects and working on a couple of products as we speak, most probably launching the first one in a months time. It’s still hard for us. “Slowly, But Steadily” But we know now what our weaknesses and strengths are. We dream big, work hard and rest of the time, party hard.