It has been a while since i have thought about buying a laptop. And today, 18 September 2k13 it happened.
I started my research on this a while ago. Checking out models in the internet, the list was plenty at first. I loved Dell but the only models available were Vostro, inspiron and Alienware. I really don’t like Vostro and inspiron as they are bulky and small sized. And Alien ware is off my budget. I never preferred HP because I have heard that HP do not have much battery backup. VAIO was the brand that i didn’t even considered. Lots of complaints and the price was for style not based on configuration. Pretty good for gals. But hey, I’m a techie. Now, lets talk about Lenovo. Good battery back up and whole lot of variants. My roomie got a G500.
So, first preference went for Lenovo. Then I heard about AMD A10 processor from my friend @David.I fell in love with the Quad cores the time i heard about it. As far as i know, There are only two models with A10 available in India. An HP pavilion Series and the Lenovo G505s.
Finally, just one laptop in the list. I tried flipkart but the seller didn’t supplied that model in Kerala. So I kept looking for it offline. David was looking for the same model. Almost no shop in Trivandrum and Trissur had it. I called to a couple of shops – Oxygen and Focuz computers. They too never did. So i was sad that day. To make things worse @coder_hrps declared – “For a developer, his dev machine is everything! ” But the day just came up. I was thinking about going Oxygen and take some random laptop that i see. But my intuition told me that i should not trust that particular store because of my Roomie’s experience with them. Anyways, i ended up in laptop point, another store in Palarivattom, Kochi.
Truth to be told, i have never shopped like this in my life. I didn’t even look at single model. I went in asked ’em if they had G505s. The sales guy checked in the database and said yes. A smile on my face. But he said its not in the store and that he can get it for me in 2 hours. Although the configuration was a bit different. This one had a Windows 8 Pre-loaded plus it had only 4Gbs of RAM instead of 8. All for 41.5k INR.
The pack had
- Lenovo G505s Gaming Laptop.
- Its battery (which turned out to be extremely small for a laptop of that size.)
- Power Code(unlike the circular output plug in most other brands, Lenovo G series contain rectangular ones)
- A manual.
- Plus a lot of accessories that i got like USB array, Card Reader, mouse, cleaning kit, headset, etc..
I fired her up soon after reaching home. The AMD A10 Quad Core roared to life.
Man! this thing is pretty large one of the biggest laps i have ever seen with a size of 16′ X 10′.
Initaial setup was easy..some “Accept Policy” and “Choose your language”. Then came the heavy job of installing my softwares and copying files from my old computer to this one. I spent almost 3 hours doing this. Then it was time to test her super heavy, 512 MB AMD Radeon HD 8650G (Integrated) and 2 GB ATI Sunpro HD 8570 Graphics engine.. I asked my cousin to bring me some game. And he brought me Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3(MW3). Boy! She performed just awesome. Life is heaven.
I waved bye to her today after installing Rainmeter which i was using in my old PC for a really long time.
Now, I am gonna need a name for her. Any Ideas?? Scroll down and comment. NOW!

Updated : I integrated my monitor (old one) the laptop. Now working with WordPress is piece of cake. I don’t need to switch windows anymore. And finally.. my workstation!

Life is Heaven, again!
Updated: I named my laptop Ma’at (an Egyptian goddess)and my workstation Atum (The Egyptian god of Gods)